Author Guideline
Corresponding Author
For papers with two or more authors, please clearly indicate the corresponding author who will be responsible for correspondence at all stages of the review process and publication, including post-publication.
About the Manuscript
The IECEP Journal accepts softcopies of papers in .docx or Latex only and must be in the prescribed format. Papers must conform to the proper format before it can be accepted for review. Use the .docx or the Latex template for formatting guidelines. Papers should be written in English and to be through the journal online manuscript submission system.
Only unpublished papers and extended versions of papers presented at conferences and symposia may be submitted for possible publication. The responsibility on the originality of a paper rests on the authors and not on the editors or the publisher. Articles submitted should be original contributions. Authors who submit articles for publication are encouraged to ensure that their works do not infringe any existing copyright and they have to assure IECEP, Inc. against any breach of such warranty. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining agreement of all co-authors as well as any required consent from research sponsors before submitting a paper. Authors are obliged to cite relevant prior work. Lastly, authors should consider the following items in their papers:
- Technical papers submitted for publication must advance the state of knowledge in the field of Electronics and allied fields and must cite relevant prior work.
- Normally, the paper length is 5 pages and not exceeding 10 pages to limit publications costs. Pages in excess of 10 pages are charged accordingly.
- The scientific and technical merit of the paper must be emphasized. Higher standards of proof are required when extraordinary or unexpected results are reported.
- Full description of the test and measurement procedure is desired allowing replication of the same procedure.
- Conclusions are presented in an appropriate fashion and are supported by the data.
- Undecipherable English and the use of a format other than the prescribed one are valid reasons for outright rejection.
- Every paper and contribution will become the legal copyright of IECEP, Inc. unless it is otherwise agreed, in order to have an easy dissemination and to ensure proper monitoring of use.
Please be assured that all personal information of all authors, other than the email addresses and affiliations, will be treated with strict confidentiality.